Can I have multiple A records for my domain to have fail over hosting?

DNS (domain name system) does not allow multiple A records in a fail over fashion. There are also no priorities with A records. If you create multiple A records, the dns will resolve your domain in a round-robin fashion to all IPs. What this means is that if you have say 2 A records for your domain, and host your domain at two locations, some clients will see site at one location and others on the second one, at the same time, depending on what A record (resolution) they received. To setup a fail over requires much more than that. It involves clustering (expensive and reliable) OR automatic DNS update through some script (cheaper solution and slow). Example of clustering is that you have one device (e.g. a server) that handles the routing of traffic to which ever server is online. If one goes off, it starts redirecting the traffic to other. is one such project. Second solution can be that if main server goes off, the DNS hosted at 3rd location updates the A record (which should have a low refresh time e.g. a few minutes). Depending on how fast the dns propagates, the traffic will start flowing to backup/second location. This solution requires custom scripting or 3rd party dns...

Can I view my site using domain name before DNS propagation?

To access the website before its domain name starts resolving to the new IP address, please follow the following steps: (while you access the website from a Windows PC) You can setup a HOSTS file entry in the “hosts” file to view the web site. This file is a standard windows file. You can find it in the path below, depending on your windows: Windows 95/98/Me c:/windows/hosts Windows NT/2000 c:/winnt/system32/drivers/etc/hosts Windows XP c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts or c:/winnt/system32/drivers/etc/hosts STEPS: 1) Open this file in Notepad and 2) Add this line to it: IP (where IP is the IP address of your shared server) 3) Save it 4) Open your browser and type the complete URL It should work fine and bring you the main page (index.html etc.) from public_html directory. NOTE: Once the domain name is ready, you should edit this file and remove the line above. Please also note that “hosts” is a simple text file without any .txt or any extension. It is a standard way to bypass the DNS servers for testing and...

How do I set quotas on multi-hosted domains?

The quota can only be set for email accounts or the entire hosting account. Multi-hosted domains share the disk and bandwidth of the account as they are part of one account. If you want to setup proper quotas for domains, you will need to look into getting a reseller account or VPS/Dedicated Server, where you can create separate hosting accounts with their own...