by dabempire | Feb 25, 2011 | General, Knowledgebase
To password protect a folder/directory, follow these steps in cPanel: 1. Login to your control panel using your account username/password at 2. Click on “Password Protection” under Services 3. Browse to the folder which you want to password protect 4. Click on the name of the folder 5. It will present you a form. It has two parts and you have to submit both separately: a) Allow access only to authorized users [ ] Directory requires a password to access Check the above box. and Protected Resource Name: [ ] (enter a generic name of the protection such as “My Protected Folder”) Submit and it will protect it. Now step (b) for adding username/password. Browse to the same form and b) Add/modify authorized user and enter the username/password and save...
by dabempire | Feb 25, 2011 | Knowledgebase, SSH (shell)
SSH is secure shell that gives you command prompt access on the linux server. You need an SSH client software on your computer to login to the server. Here is one free client available called Putty: Here is the direct link to download for Windows PC (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP and Vista) : Just download this program and save it anywhere on your computer. Double click on putty.exe to run it. It will ask you for Host Name (or IP address) which is your account domain name or server IP or server machine name, you can use any. Click Open. It will alert you for the host key if it is the first time and not cached, you can continue by pressing Yes. It will then ask you for your username, login as: this is your cpanel/ftp username. And then it will prompt you for your password which is the password for that cpanel/ftp username. You are now logged into your account on shell command line. Please go through other FAQ’s in SSH section to learn about various commands you can...
by dabempire | Feb 25, 2011 | Knowledgebase, SSH (shell)
To backup complete site files, login via ssh. While in you are in main dir type: tar -zcf site_backup.tar.gz public_html This will create a file named site_backup.tar.gz in your main dir. To restore this file as a site type: gunzip site_backup.tar.gz hit enter, then type: tar -xvf site_backup.tar hit enter and your all done. If you need to archive your emails stored in your account, you can do the same with “mail” folder. This does not include MySQL database backup if you use one. Please refer to MySQL section on how to do the...
by dabempire | Feb 25, 2011 | Knowledgebase, SSH (shell)
There are far more commands than these but here are a few to get your started: In order to keep track of the possibly millions of files on-line, Unix systems have a directory tree, which enables meaningful classification of files. For example, the most essential system programs are kept in /bin/, user home directories are all under /home/, and everything having to do with the WWW is under /www/. More specifically, your home directory is /home/you/ and the directory for your WWW files is /home/you/www/. pwd pwd This prints out your working directory: where you are. When you give a filename to a command without specifying some other directory, the filename is looked up, manipulated, or created in your current working directory. mkdir mkdir flintstones This makes a subdirectory of the current directory named flintstones. cd cd flintstones This changes the directory to the subdirectory named flintstones. cd /home/domain/www/flintstones This changes the directory to the home directory of the flintstones. cd /home/flintstones/www This changes the directory to the WWW directory of the flintstones. cd With no arguments, cd returns you to your home directory. rmdir rmdir flintstones This removes the subdirectory flintstones. The directory must be empty for this to...
by dabempire | Feb 25, 2011 | Knowledgebase, SSL
mv mv fred wilma This moves fred to a file named wilma. This is the Unix way of renaming a file. mv fred flintstones/fred This moves fred to a file named fred in the subdirectory flintstones. This example could have been written mv fred flintstones/ as well, and the filename fred would have been retained in the new directory. After executing this command, there will no longer be a fred file in the current directory. cp cp fred wilma This copies fred to a file named wilma. cp fred flintstones/fred This copies fred to a file named fred in the subdirectory flintstones. rm rm flintstones This removes a file named flintstones. rm -rf flintstones This removes a directory named flintstones. The -r removes the directory, the -f forces it to remove files without asking you before it deletes each...