by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Extra Resources, Knowledgebase
Zope is not available with cpanel based shared/sdx/reseller servers. You will need to have a VPS or Dedicated Server to install and use Zope. Also note there is no information available if it is compatible with any of the control panels. So you are looking at an unmanaged vps or dedicated server...
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Extra Resources, Knowledgebase
No you can not. Due to the way IP’s are assigned on our network, we can not provide IP’s in a different class or range.
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Extra Resources, Knowledgebase
Yes, iconv support is enabled in php on all our shared/sdx/reseller servers.
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Extra Resources, Knowledgebase
Yes, mysqli extension is available on all shared/sdx/reseller servers in php.
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Extra Resources, Knowledgebase
Yes, GD 2 extension is available in both php4 and php5 on all our shared/sdx/reseller servers.