How do I change File Permissions?

If you’re new to scripting, or getting the dreaded “Internal Server Error” when you try to run a sample script you’ve downloaded, its probably incorrect file permissions. The linux allows you to set different levels of access to a file for different groups of people. This allows you to let the web server modify a file via a CGI script, for instance, while preventing other users from having normal access to the file. There are three groups in terms of file access, and three different permission types they can receive. The groups are: * User/Owner – the “user” group consists only of the owner of the file (your account, in most cases) * Group – the “group” group consists of the other users on the server — you can usually remove their permissions entirely if you think it necessary * Other/World – the “other” group consists of everyone else — most imporantly, the web server falls into the “other” category The potential permissions are: * Read – the read permission allows a user or program the ability to read the data in a file * Write – the write permission allows a user or program the ability to write new data into a file, and to remove data from it * Execute – the execute permission allows a user or program the ability to execute a file, if it is a program or script. Some things to keep in mind about your files : * pages should be readable/writable by the owner and readable by the web visitor. * scripts should be readable/writable/executable by the owner and readable/executable by...

What are some basic software paths?

Sendmail: /usr/lib/sendmail Perl5: /usr/bin/perl Serverpath: /home/username/public_html Root path: /home/username/ (puts you in your the root of your account) Cgi-bin path: /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/ (puts you in your cgi-bin) php4 cli: /usr/local/bin/php php5 cli: /usr/local/bin/php5 ImageMagick: /usr/bin/convert or...

What is CDP addon for resellers?

We are now offering clients limited access to their backup files through a web interface. With cdp add on, you can see the files backed up on the backup machines for your main reseller account and can schedule a restore of any files/folders. This is what CDP add on provides on a very minimal...

What is CDP? Who can get CDP Addon?

CDP stands for Continuous Data Protection which is the technology we use for our internal backups. We are now offering clients limited access to their backup files through web interface. With cdp addon you can see your files backed up on the backup machines and can schedule a restore of any files(s). This is what CDP addon provides on a very minimal cost. This addon is available for all shared, semi-dedicated, reseller and linux vps hosting accounts (this is not available for windows vps). If you have a dedicated server you can purchase Data LockBox backup services to use this...