by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Knowledgebase, Scripting (HTML, PHP, Perl/CGI)
This can be correctly answered by the developer/vendor of your web applications. If they say that the application will work fine in php5, then you can switch/upgrade to php5. Any application developed for php5 specifically should of course not work in php4, but there is a high probability that an application developed for php4 may work in php5 if it does not use any functionality that is obsolete or deprecated. But again the developer/vendor can provide you a definite...
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Knowledgebase, Scripting (HTML, PHP, Perl/CGI)
get_browser is a php function that tells what the user’s browser is capable of [1]. You can place php.ini in your account and add this capability. You can get the latest php.ini file for php4 from your control panel or from our FAQ pages. Once you have placed the php.ini in the appropriate folder, please edit php.ini and uncomment this: browscap = browscap.ini Now you need browscap.ini which you can download from [2] “php_browscap.ini Use only with PHP!” A special version of browscap.ini for PHP users only! Please download that file, rename it to browscap.ini and place it somewhere in your account as referenced from the php.ini...
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Knowledgebase, Scripting (HTML, PHP, Perl/CGI)
All shared servers have php5 along with php4. New servers are being setup with PHP5 as default where old servers still have php4 as default. Please note the following important points: 1. To use specific php for all *.php files as default in your entire account, you need to edit ~/public_html/.htaccess file and add any of the following directive for respective php version: For PHP5: # Use PHP5 as default AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php .php5 .php4 .php3 .phtml For PHP4: # Use PHP4 as default AddHandler application/x-httpd-php4 .php .php5 .php4 .php3 .phtml This will make the server process all files named .php or .php4 or .php3 or .phtml or .php5 by respective PHP Handler. After this change, no files under public_html will be processed by other PHP version. If you want to use both php4 and php5 and the server your account is on has PHP4 as default then you can create a sub folder in public_html say “test5” and add the above mentioned PHP5 directive in .htaccess there. This way php5 will be used only under that “test5” folder and the folder tree under it, and rest of your account will continue to use php4. 2. To make changes to php configuration, you will need to install php.ini in working folder. We have placed a typical default php.ini file for php5 here: (or you can download one from your control panel if you are JaguarPC shared hosting client) Please rename it to php.ini For example via ssh: cd ~/public_html/ wget mv php5.txt php.ini NOTE: In the current php implementation, php will pick php.ini in the following precedence:...
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Knowledgebase, Scripting (HTML, PHP, Perl/CGI)
Please login to your control panel and click on “security notes” in front of PHP4 Version in the left column. You can find all the details on how to make changes to php e.g. register_globals etc. In short, you need to use your own php.ini file in the folder where the php script executes. For php5, you can use one php.ini file in your public_html folder. For more details click on “Click to View” in front of PHP5 Version in your control panel. Note: This applies to all JaguarPC shared and semi-dedicated hosting accounts. You can download the stock version of php4 and php5 files from here as well: php4: php5: Please rename the file to php.ini and edit it to make changes to php settings. NOTE again for php4 that you need to place php.ini in the folder where php script executes. So if you place php.ini in public_html/ and your script executes at public_html/somefolder/ (or via web the address is then it will not load the php.ini settings. The php.ini file needs to be in public_html/somefolder/ as well. For php5, please place your php.ini in public_html and it will be used for all sub-foloders. IMPORTANT NOTE: you need to place entire php.ini file with all settings in it. You can not place just a few...
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Knowledgebase, Scripting (HTML, PHP, Perl/CGI)
This is because of the secure php environment on our servers (phpsuexec). This usually happens with OSCommerce and ZenCart web applications. You need to change the file permissions of configure.php to 440 using ssh. chmod 440 ~/path/to/configure.php And this warning will go...
by dabempire | Feb 26, 2011 | Knowledgebase, Scripting (HTML, PHP, Perl/CGI)
Here is a brief list of php4 modules that come standard with our shared/sdx/reseller servers: bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, domxml, exif, ftp, gd (with FreeType), gettext, iconv, imap, mbstring, mbregex, mcrypt, mhash, mm, mysql, mysqli, openssl, overload, pcre, pdflib, pear, posix, pspell, sablot, session, sockets, standard, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlrpc, xslt, zip, zlib – and Zend Optimizer php5 modules: bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, filter, ftp, gd (with FreeType), gettext, hash, iconv, imap (with ssl), json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, mysql, mysqli, openssl, pcre, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, pspell, Reflection, session, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, SPL, SQLite, standard, tidy 2, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, Zend Optimizer, zip, zlib. If you need any other module that is officially supported by php, or one of the above module is missing from your server, please open a support ticket and we can evaluate if it is possible to install...